The Next Generation Of Notion Dashboards

Hey — it's Rames

This week is off for me — I’m currently skiing in the Alps for a (well-deserved?) holiday. It’s been 10 years since I last rode the puff. I hope I haven’t lost my skills.

Today’s edition is lighter — enjoy these 5 awesome Notion resources I stole on the internet.

5 Resources

1/ Notion 2.38 on Video

2/ The Next Generation of Notion Dashboards

YouTube video by Josh Redd
PersonalOS - The Next Generation of Notion Dashboards

3/ 3 Notion Charts

4/ Shortcuts & Commands

Click to access

5/ (Better) Notifications to Your Phone

YouTube video by Matthias Frank
FINALLY Good Notifications For Notion

1 Tweek: Tweet of the Week

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