3-2-1: Charts within Notion, Transparent Icons & Save Voice Notes to Notion

Hey — It's Rames

First, many thanks to all of you who participated in last week's draw! Btw, the N°1 favorite Notionfluencer was Easlo, whithout too much surprise 😉

But the real winner, the lucky one who'll go home with a customized Notion avatar is... 🥁🥁

🥳 Shorif Ahmed Adil

But don't worry, we still have something for you! If you're interested in getting your own Notion Avatar, we have a 20% discount for you.

Use our time-limited discount code RAMES20AVATAR at checkout to get your 20% off 🚀

Get your Notion Avatar + Free Mug!

3 tips

1/ Create charts directly within Notion

I just stumbled on this tweet from @michal_creates, which blew my mind: you can generate pie charts directly within Notion, without using external tools.

  1. Create a simple table & import your data
  2. Summon Notion AI to transform the table into code
  3. Select “Mermaid” as the code language
Source: @michal_creates on Twitter

If you want more control over your chart, you can still use tools such as DataJumbo or Chartbase.

2/ Transparent icons

Notion just changed the look of their “filled page” icons: I find them much better looking now.

But if you still don’t like them, I have an easy trick for you!

All you have to do is to add a “transparent image” in the icon field. You can create one using Figma or Photoshop, or you can download it directly from Wikipedia.

3/ People To Notion

If you’re looking for a quick way to enrich your CRM, here’s a new tool for you: People To Notion. It’s a Chrome Extension that allows you to add Linkedin profiles to a Notion database, in 1 click.

Source: People to Notion

Awesome, right?

2 Resources

1/ Brand new Updates inbox

Notion just released small improvements on their Updates inbox:

📩 Receive notifications when mentioned
💌 Reply directly from the inbox
✉️ Mark notifications as read (or unread)
📨 Archive them when you’re done

2/ Save Voice Notes to Notion using Siri

If you use Siri & want to add notes on the go, without having to open Notion & wait for the app to load - I have something for you. I’m not talking about audio files. I’m talking about the transcription of your audio - this is pretty amazing!

Here’s a 20-minute video tutorial from Matthias Frank, it’s quite easy to set up, and once it’s done, all you have to do is to summon Siri with your custom prompt 😊


You can also access the full blog post on Matthias’ website.

1 Tweek — Tweet of the Week

That's it for this week — hope you're enjoyed!

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