All tips

Notion task management, AI Academy, & Status as checkbox

Hey — it's Rames

13 years ago, I had a trampoline accident. I was doing multiple backflips in a row, and crashed my head on the metal bar that went around. 8 stiches later, I never did a backflip again.

Until this week-end. I was tired of constantly having this fear in the back of my mind. So I went for it: I tried, failed, tried, failed, tried… and made it!

Moral of the story: don’t backflip on trampolines. Backflip in water, it’s safer 🙃

3 Tips

1/ Status or checkbox? Or both? 👀

Since the Status property feature was introduced by Notion, I have spent countless hours pondering whether to use a status property or checkbox for tasks, projects, and so on. The main difference is that with the status property, you have an additional layer, such as "in progress" or "pending," or whatever you choose to call it.

However, one thing I never realized is that you can use both!


Crazy, right?

All you have to do is:

  1. Add a status property
  2. Click “Edit property”
  3. Click “Show as” & select checkbox

This is particularly useful when dealing with multiple views of the same database. For example, one view can have "Status" as a dropdown menu, while another can have "Status" as a checkbox ✨

2/ From commas to multi-select

Keeping with the theme of select properties: have you ever had to input a huge list of multi-select elements?

I have, multiple times. What a pain.

Too many tags

Filling out everything by hand can be SUPER time-consuming. Luckily, there is an easier way that you may not have heard of before 👀

  1. Add a text property to your Notion database
  2. Input all your select elements (in my case Tags), separated by commas
  3. Edit the property: change from text to multi-select

Then… magic 🪄

Text to Multi-select 1.png



3/ Side-peek shortcut

A small new feature that made my day: you can now open any database item in Side Peek, regardless of its default state. Simply hold the option/alt key while clicking, and voila!


2 Resources

1/ Notion Task Management

Task Management Cover.png
Source: Rames Quinerie

If you're looking for a simple way to manage your tasks and projects in Notion, check out my short blog on the subject.

You’ll learn how to:

  • build your Tasks database
  • use templates
  • implement subtasks
  • add recurring tasks
  • link your Tasks to other databases (eg, Projects)

It’s a super easy read, so feel free to check it out!

Notion Task Management

2/ AI Academy

Notion AI.jpg

Now that Notion AI has been launched for a few months, it’s time to learn some best practices! If you've used Notion AI but are still overwhelmed, or if you're eager to learn more about what's possible, you may want to check out Notion's AI Academy.

They currently have 5 videos:

  • What’s AI
  • Improving writing
  • Simplify tasks
  • How to write good AI prompts
  • Augmenting daily work

I use Notion AI almost every day and have started implementing it for clients. I have to say, it's been a game changer. Check out their videos; they're short and straight to the point.

Notion AI Academy

PS: If you haven't been using Notion AI yet, I highly encourage you to give it a try 👊

1 Tweek: Tweet of the Week

That’s a wrap folks. If you enjoyed this edition, answer this email by telling be about the worst fear you've ever faced 😱

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